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Tarot & Experiential Astrology I

Minor Arcana: Diagnosis and Cure

The structure of the classes comprises the symbolic approach through Tarot - Major Arcana and Astrology - Signs, Planets, Astrological Houses, Aspects and their combinations of interpretations, to interpret your astrological chart.

Classes will be theoretical - part recorded and weekly meetings live and practices - in pairs or trios (depending on the dynamics of the theme) during the week with exchanges and internship. The teaching material will be personalized with the exercise book.

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Classes will be theoretical and practical, where we will study, through the Energetic Diagnosis, the energetic correspondences of each Minor Arcanum and its processes of self-knowledge.

What makes this course unique:

  • The course is taught by Deborah Jazzini: therapist and teacher with over 4 decades of experience with Tarot and Astrology;

  • The course integrates theory and practice with personalized teaching material that combines the study of Tarot and Astrology with a deep journey of Self-knowledge;

  • The course combines recorded content and weekly live classes where you can expand your knowledge in a dynamic way.

The course includes: ​​

  • Introduction to Astrology, knowing the Signs, Planets, Astrological Houses and Aspects.

  • The 22 Major Arcana in the Astrological Mandala, using the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite.

  • Study of Chakras with Tarot and Astrology.

  • Study of the Biographical with Tarot and Astrology.

  • Tarot rules and ethics.

  • How to do personal readings.

  • Personalized handout with theoretical and practical exercises.

  • Online internship.

  • Certificate of Completion with the seal of the Albert Schweitzer University Corporation .

What is the

Diagnosis & Cure?

It is a methodology of energetic rebalancing through sixteen cards of the Minor Arcana and the elements of nature: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These elements, present throughout the Universe, have their place and perform specific functions in the energetic context of the Planet and its inhabitants. Many physical ailments stem from mental patterns, emotional and spiritual states. Through this methodology, we will arrange the cards in an order, starting with the interpretation of Physical, Mental, Affective and Spiritual aspects, making an anamnesis of the processes we experience and becoming aware of what was hidden in our individuation process. Thus, an internal turn of the key takes place, where we begin a process of interior adjustments and the awakening to a journey with more quality of life and less self-boycott.

Tarot & Astrologia Vivencial - II

Tarot & Astrologia Vivencial - II
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